Support Services available to you
As a Student of YES College, you can rest assured knowing that you have friendly and qualified support staff available to assist you before, during and after your studies. Our support team is available from Monday to Friday, 9am – 5pm and will help you with any questions you may have.
Admissions and Enrolment
Our Admissions Team will provide you with all the necessary information you need to make an informed decision about studying with us. Prior to enrolment, we will provide you with information on course entry requirements, fees, payment terms, our refund policy, college policies and procedures, our services, and information about your course, such as units of competency, duration, modes of delivery, assessment and recognition of prior learning. Some of our courses have strict entry requirements which are in place to make sure all students who are accepted will be able to successfully participate and progress through the course. If you do not meet the entry requirements, we will inform you of the reasons why and you may be able to enrol with us at a later stage once you have met the minimum requirements.
Document and Records Access
If you need access to any of your records during your studies such as Attendance Reports, Academic Results, Enrolment Letters, Holiday Letters, Forms, Statement of Completion and Academic Transcripts, simply visit Reception at our Parramatta campus and let them know. We are usually able to provide the requested documents on the same day, however please allow up to three days to receive your documents. This service is free, however if you need a re-print of certain official documents that have already been give to you but you have lost, such as Statements of Attainment or Testamurs, additional charges will apply.
Education Counselling and Support
We regularly monitor the progress of our students to make sure they are progressing satisfactorily and will be able to complete within their expected time. Should you be experiencing any difficulties in progressing satisfactorily we can provide a range of services to help you overcome any educational barriers you may be facing. Some of the education support services we offer includes organising mentoring, english language support, study skills support and academic writing support classes. We can also refer you to external organisations who may be able to assist you better, which are subject to additional fees.
Welfare Counselling
During your studies you may encounter personal problems that may end up affecting your enrolment. This can include the stress of being away from family and friends, difficulty in finding suitable accommodation, difficulty with work, personal issues at home, financial Issues e.t.c. Our Student Services Team is here to assist you as needed. If you are experiencing stress or difficult issues, please let our Student Services Team know about it. Conversations will remain confidential if you wish.
Career and Job Counselling
Our Courses are targeted towards people who want to gain the skills and knowledge required to enter and excel in a career of their choice, whether it be as a Manager, Supervisor, Human Resources Officer, Beauty Therapist, or Make-Up Artist. So it’s no surprise that during or after your studies, you may come across an opportunity to enter your chosen industry. We regularly post available jobs on our student notice boards and keep in contact with job service providers, industry placement agencies and businesses. We can also help you prepare your Resume and give you some practical tips to help you secure your dream job. All of our Trainers have worked in industry, so they can give you real-world, industry guidance and advice.
Justice of the Peace (JP) Service
We provide a Justice of the Peace (JP) service at the College Campus every Friday from 12pm – 1pm. If you need to make a statutory declaration, affidavit, or need to certify copies of original documents, you can bring the original and photocopied documents, along with your photo identification to Reception, and they will inform you where the service is being provided on the day.